
Aims and Objectives

Our overall aim of the North East Biodiversity Forum is:

‘To support, encourage and positively influence the conservation and enhancement of biological diversity as a strategic issue in North East England’

To achieve this we will work to:

  • Gain wide recognition of the contribution that biodiversity makes to the economy, health, culture, image, and quality of life in the North East of England
  • Promote the conservation of biodiversity as being a crucial componant of sustainable development and a measure of environmental health – put bluntly, if we are still loosing our plants, animals and habitats then we are not living sustainably
  • Strive to fully integrate of the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity into land-use planning and land management
  • Increase the availability of – and access to – the high quality biodiversity data needed to assist in decision making, for example by working with others to achieve the setting-up of a Regional Environmental Records Centre
  • Ensure sustainable funding for local and regional delivery of biodiversity and coordination of local and regional Biodiversity Action Plan delivery
  • Continue to identify regional priorities for biodiversity action and support the development of projects and initiatives that deliver these
  • Act as a single voice representing the agreed opinion of biodiversity organisations in the region
  • Support partners in their efforts to involve people in their enjoyment and appreciation of the natural world
  • Promote action by everyone – whether they be individuals, businesses, Government Agencies or Local Authorities – to help conserve and enhance the biodiversity of the North East